Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why now for a major earthquake?

As I said the sun has cycles within cycles. When the cycles compound the effects are more pronounced.

We are all familiar with the 11 year solar cycle. There are also longer cycles and the next longer cycle is the Wolf-Gleissberg 100 year solar cycle.

Currently we are in the solar minma of the 11 year cycle.

However, we are also in the minima of the longer Wolf-Gleissberg solar cycle.

So what happens in a solar minima that will be compounded creating a larger earthquake?

the trigger can be found in the solar x ray flux cycle that occurs in minima.

You can see how exaggerated the spike of x ray is during the minima. When both the 11 year cycle and the 100 year cycle both compound earthquakes will be more pronounced.

Plasmoids and Plasma Bubbles

As I mentioned earthquakes are caused by flowing current and that current exerting magnetic force. But where does the current come from and where does it flow to?

Our friends at NASA tell us this;

Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield
Immense cracks in our planet's magnetic field can remain open for hours, allowing the solar wind to gush through and power stormy space weather.

Dec. 3, 2003: Earth is surrounded by a magnetic force field--a bubble in space called "the magnetosphere" tens of thousands of miles wide. Although many people don't know it exists, the magnetosphere is familiar. It's a far flung part of the same planetary magnetic field that deflects compass needles here on Earth's surface. And it's important. The magnetosphere acts as a shield that protects us from solar storms.

According to new observations, however, from NASA's IMAGE spacecraft and the joint NASA/European Space Agency Cluster satellites, immense cracks sometimes develop in Earth's magnetosphere and remain open for hours. This allows the solar wind to gush through and power stormy space weather.

This tells us that clouds of charged particles are intermittently leaking into our magnetosphere and moving. When these clouds of charged particles move across a tectonic fault or a magnetic anomaly in the geology a current discharge to the ground occurs causing magnetic geologic force and earthquakes following the right hand rule.

These charged particle clouds are referred to as "Plasmoids", but I prefer to call them "Plasma Bubbles" for parts of them detach making smaller plasmoids as they move eastward.

The plasma bubbles leak into the magnetosphere over the Indian Ocean where there is a magnetic pinch;

Since these plasma bubbles carry part of the sun's magnetic field with them they are repulsed eastwards to weaker areas of magnetic strength in the magnetosphere. Their movement is somewhat predictable.

A rough guide would be...

* ~2 days to Australia
* ~12 days to US west coast
* ~13 days to Oklahoma (Ames Structure [magnetic anomaly])
* ~15 days to the US east coast
* ~25 days to the mid Atlantic ridge
* ~30 days to the UK
* ~45 days to Asia (full ciruit)

So with this data once the plasma leaks into the magnetoshere there is a ~12 window before the large quake occurs in California.

The plasma bubbles tend to follow magnetic intensity field patterns like this;

How Do Earthquakes Occur

My research indicates it is a simple magnetic process. It is not unlike an electromagnet. When current flows it establishes a magnetic field. That magnetic field exerts force that follows the right hand rule.

This image demonstrates the right hand rule law, the thumb represents the direction of the moving current the blue circles represent the direction of force exerted by the magnetic field;

The curl of the fingers show you the direction of magnetic force, while the thumb shows the direction of current flow.

In the case of an earthquake the size of the quake is a result of the built up geologic pressure from previous magnetic force events, and finally the size of the magnetic force event that triggers the release of pressure, in conjunction with its own.

In the next posting I will explain what is causing the periodic electric discharges creating the magnetic force.

The Next Large California Quake

Many are familiar with the California quake of 1906, but few realize that earthquakes are very cyclic. They are driven by solar activity cycles. The problem with earthquake predicition is that the solar cycles have multiple, overlaid cycles.

The best way to imagine the sun's cycles is to imagine a roller coaster riding in a roller coaster, which is riding in roller coaster. When all the coasters simultaneously go downhill, or up hill, the effects are all exaggerated.

Two of the sun's cycles are bottoming out simultaneously. This increases the risk for a repeat of the 1906 quake in the near future.

Here I will lay out the science and why I believe we are on the verge of a another major earthquake in California. I cannot be exact of the date, but I believe I know the triggers to watch for.

This quake could occur as early as April 2010 or as far out as April 2021.

The best educated guess would be the months of April to October starting this year and extending 4-5 years. The next window would be April to October 2021 and extending 4-5 years.

After finding my correlations and seeing Haiti, I could not sit mute and just watch it happen.

I would suggest that all Californians prepare for a large quake, greater than 7.0 magnitude in the near future.